Thursday, October 1, 2009

pull it up + out.

i painted a little somethin' somethin' for our apartment. result? not my favorite. meaning i can't stand it. BUT scott loves it. 

so he wants it in our living room. i don't want it in our living room.

i have decided that i can deal. just deal with it. i am thinking that instead of it being some really neat piece that hangs in our living room/kitchen, it can be a lesson to teach me. there is definitely zero pride in that thing. but i still feel it in me. when i look at it i think "ok swallow your pride". but i don't want to do that. because to me, swallowing something means that it is bound to come right back up + out.

i'm asking Him to pull on the roots of pride that have grown down in me. 

so there sits my little reminder. it screams: "rid yourself. rid yourself."


  1. i love this. really.
    excited to see what else appears on your canvases.

  2. Mom loves it too, of course. It reminds me of Psalm 57:5 "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth." Kind of a prophetic picture of His glory like a cloud over the nations. And I do also appreciate the picture of the roots. Such a joy to see God through you.
