Monday, November 14, 2011

singing forever

i'm learning from my mei mei [little sister].

this girl has some words.
good, life giving words.

you know, there's definitely some perks to living overseas. you get to hear things from people the closest to you that you wouldn't normally hear. just purely out of our circumstances. we talk less. often that means more.

when the words come out of their mouths and into my ears, they immediately get stored in my treasure box inside my heart.

perfect example.
i opened my inbox on monday afternoon and found this at the end of an email from sarah:

"... i love you and today when i was driving i pictured us singing songs to Him. it was really beautiful. i got kinda sad because i was like, G0D! when is that ever going to be real. you know what He said?..

y'all will get to sing to me together forever one day."

i get to pull this out of my treasure box in heaven. and it'll be real.