there may not have been many traditions [anyone else overwhelmed with the list of "50 new traditions to start with your family!" out there?] or family visits or christmas light sight seeing, but there were special times had with good people.
i'll start you off with a little tummy time:
[sweet angel baby is 4 months old]
followed by some forced photos:
[i swore i'd never do this ridiculous bow thing, but there it is]
[my new mama friend's son, jack. which is addie joy's new friend. love this newness.]
then there was some spend the night company:
[a friend whose roommate was out of town, so she stayed with us]
[sam gave noah this little shirt and bear for christmas]
followed by christmas day: looks a little different on this side of the world. took some getting used to, but now i feel like maybe it's the way it should be... welcoming folks in rather than pushing them out. again, i'm getting used to it. i'm definitely not some angel that bakes for hours and stands at our door welcoming people in with a permanent smile on my face.
come to think of it, i never did like that kind anyway.
i'll leave you with a little cleaning from our oldest, most rambunctious child:
so there's our december.
love getting a little glimpse into your everyday.