Wednesday, September 2, 2009

lost in translation

something was.

his name was jo. some could call him edward [scissorhands]. 

our conversation?

me: "hello, yes just a trim, maybe an inch"
jo: "okay so you want trim. same style. just trim."

and apparently, uneven ends seem to be "in". so i'm definitely stylin' around these parts.


  1. You and Scott may need to learn how to cut each other's hair!!

  2. You are beautiful no matter the length or should I say lengths? of your hair:)

  3. P.S. Maybe next time, you should sketch what "style" you want!
    P.P.S. I wish I could have seen your face during this whole process!
    miss yall!!

  4. Bless your courageous little heart! Who knew that dying to yourself today would mean dying to your hairstyle? Way to assimilate, girl! God is really stretching you, but it is all good. I agree with Aunt Beth and I know Scott does too. Love you bunches.

  5. Well...Katie and I think you look darling with your new "do"! Still praying for you!,

    Kelley & Katie Stevens
